
讀《列子》有感 (二) ———〈力命篇〉




讀《列子》有感 (一) ———〈楊朱篇〉




Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (五)




Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (四)

美國物理學家Bob Goddard:「犯錯乃人之常情;而將過失歸咎於他人更是人類常做的事情。」(第二章《為甚麼性格內向者容易被誤解?.責備與誹謗》)



Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (三)

這使我想起了對性格內向者的另一個較大的曲解–孤僻不愛交際。性格內向者並不是不愛交際–他們只是以不同的方式進行社會交往而已。性格內向者只需要很少的朋友關係,但喜歡(來自於親密朋友的)較多的聯繫和與朋友親密的相處。因為與其他人交往會耗費大量的精力,所以我們不願意將太多的精力用於社交活動。這就是為甚麼我們不喜歡無所事事閒談的原因。相對於此,性格內向者更喜歡內容豐富、充實的交談,從中可以豐富我們的學識,並使我們充滿活力。這種交談能夠給我們一種被研究快樂的學者稱之為「幸運一擊」(Hap Hits)的快樂感。當我們彼此交流內涵豐富的思想時,能夠獲得滿意和快樂等美好的感覺。交談需要耗費精力,這也是我們即便對其他人很感興趣,但有時候更喜歡視察他人的談話,而不願加入其中的原因。(第二章《為甚麼性格內向者容易被誤解?.不要因別人的指責而產生罪惡感》)



Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (二)




Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (一)

James Roger「安靜的人們常常具有深刻的洞察力。淺淺的溪流或河水奔流迅速,較深的水域似乎較為平靜。」(《寫在前面.我是怎樣寫這本書的》



Good Quotes —— The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (4)

A “level playing field” is not part of Chinese culture; guanxi or personal links is.―――On China
Outside powers cannot re-fashion China into its own image. Let us not forget that even China’s conquerors like the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, and the Manchus in the 17th and 19th centuries, could not change Chinese culture. Instead China changed them and they were absorbed and assimilated. The language and culture of its conquerors could not overcome Chinese language and culture.―――On China
As China develops and becomes a largely urban society, its political system must evolve to accommodate a large middle class that will be highly educated, better informed and connected with the outside world, one that expects a higher quality of life in a clean environment, and wants to have its views heard by a government that is transparent and free from corruption.―――On China
Estate duty is one of those forms of taxation which can be used deliberately to counterbalance the unjust distribution of wealth and prevent its perpetuation…[Y]ou really do not hurt anybody because you have really taken it from no one. All you have taken away from the sons and heirs and successors is not money, but just the hope of a succeeding to money. That might be painful for a week or two after the will has been read and duties have to be paid, but it is certainly less painful than if we were to impose a capital levy while the man who has made his millions is still alive.―――On Prosperity
Wealth and poverty are relative things. You have acute tensions…not so much because you are too poor as against another person or you are too rich, in the absolute sense, but whether you are relatively too much better off than the other to cause the other fellow dissatisfaction.―――On Prosperity
It is nonsense to say that this government is rich while the people are poor. This is true only when the leaders steal the nation’s wealth.―――On Prosperity

If your option was, I want a condo, I want a Mercedes, then you aim for those professions which will bring you those results. But you have chosen English Literature. If you were my daughter…I would tell her…there’s no money in it unless you are really good.―――On Education


Good Quotes —— The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (3)

The laws against corruption should be tightened to shift the onus of proof onto the person who possesses more assets than his income warrants. Two or three big fish brought to justice successfully, will have salutary effect on everyone.―――On Corruption
Once a political system has been corrupted right from the very top leaders to the lowest rungs of the bureaucracy, the problem is very complicated. The cleansing and disinfecting has to start from top and go downwards in a thorough and systematic way. It is long and laborious process that can be carried out only by a very strong group of leaders with the strength and moral authority derived from unquestioned integrity.―――On Corruption
In 1977, we passed laws to prohibit any person or his nominee from holding more tha[n] 3 per cent of the ordinary shares of a newspaper […] I do not subscribe to the Western practice that allows a wealthy press baron to decide what voters should read day after day.―――On Media
Singapore’s experience has been that once women are educated equally with men and given the same job opportunities, they do not see any point in having large families which drag down the standards of living of the family and of society and make their lives a drudgery.―――On Equality
To keep your language alive, you have to speak and read it frequently. The more you use one language, the less you use other languages. So the more languages you learn, the greater the difficulties of retaining them at a high level of fluency.―――On Language
[T]he ritualised, conformist approach to thinking and learning, which was designed to secure the stability of successive dynasties, had prevented innovations in human thought and the discovery of further inventions. The result was that a great civilisation had become stagnant. It failed to rejuvenate itself in time to face the strength of an industrialised Europe.―――On Language

[Americans’] real interest is what Freedom House has stated, that Singapore sets the wrong example for China, showing China that it can maintain social discipline and order with high economic growth but without becoming full-fledged American-style democracy. This is the reason why the American media always attacks Singapore.―――On International Relations


Good Quotes —— The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (2)

In the heat of election battle, people and political parties tend to be sidetracked onto minor and irrelevant issues…[A]s you know, the habit is to do two things. First insult and denigrate your opponents. Second, promise the electorate anything and everything – the sun, the moon and the stars.―――On Politics
[Politics] is a marathon, not a hundred yards spurt. With every passing speech, with every passing act, the character, the style, the strength, the weaknesses are etched in the minds of the public. You can do a PR job…and you suddenly find with a whole host of ghostwriters and advisers, that the man becomes scholarly, learned, solicitous in his speech. Catch him at a press conference and a question-and-answer session, where the ghosts cannot whisper to him, and the man is betrayed.―――On Politics
From our perilous years in the ‘50s and ‘60s, a whole generation of Singaporeans was educated in a harsh political school… Our children have no memories of troubled times… A younger generation of ministers also missed this experience. Fierce combat has made the older ministers what they are. For those amongst us, the older ones that were weak or slow or nervous, they became early casualties. Those present are survivors of a Darwinian process of natural selection. We have keen survival instincts, familiar with every trick, underhand or dastardly manoeuvre. We know how to deal with very scoundrel.―――On Politics
I do not yet know of a man who became a leader as a result of having undergone a leadership course.―――On Leadership
Too much emphasis was laid on the examination and the paper qualification. We were, therefore, rearing a whole generation of softies, who are clever; who wore spectacles but who were weak from want of enough exercise, enough sunshine, and with not enough guts in them.―――On Leadership
If you are impulsive and lucky, you may even pass off as an incisive mind and a decisive commander. If you are unlucky, then you are a hasty bungler and a fool. Or if you take much time for a careful weighing of the odds, but the decision nevertheless turned out wrong, people may well think you are a ditherer…to act decisively.―――On Leadership

No army, however brave, can win when its generals are weak.―――On Leadership


Good Quotes —— The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (1)

The Portuguese, the Dutch, the British and the French, they came to Southeast Asia and divided it up among themselves, much in the fashion of modern gangsters who demarcate their respective territorial jurisdictions over a city.―――On Colonialism
[I]t used to be believed that independence was an automatic solution to all men’s ills and that with independence would come prosperity and glory. The need for a sound administration and an economy that ticks was never thought of by anyone other than the few who had to govern.―――On Colonialism
What has happened is irreversible, and the choice before each of us is what to make of the future, not how to re-live the past.―――On Colonialism
If we want to know what is going to happen in the future, we must know what are the forces at work. And having decided our position, we then try and work these forces in our favour.―――On the Future
Singapore…services the needs of the international community and if those needs change either because technology has changed or worse, because the political and security set-up is adverse for development in this region, we will shrivel on the vine. You look at Venice. The Ottoman Empire came. The Silk Road became impassable, ships went round the Cape. Venice declined.―――On the Future
Politics is about human beings and their lives. It is an art, not a science. It is the art of the possible.―――On Politics

Those without this indomitable fighting spirit had better go and sell stocks and shares. This task [politics] is not for the faint-hearted. It is for people with deep and abiding convictions.―――On Politics


Good Quotes —— One Man's View of the World (4)

You accept the world as it is, and find the best way of maximizing your fortunes as a society, or you are left behind by the relentless pace of change found everywhere else. The world cannot possibly stop spinning for your sake.———Global Economy: What Next?
While it may be true that technological advances can improve our capacity for food production and our ability to house more people in compact spaces, at some point we will surely reach a limit. The earth can only hold so many people without serious damage to our habitat and to biodiversity. How do we put a stop to the relentless growth? The key, in my view, lies in educating women – which causes them to want fewer children. The sooner we are able to do this, the sooner we will have a less populated world.———Energy and Climate Change: Preparing for the Worst
[I]t may be wiser for countries to devote time and energy to bracing themselves for the human catastrophe that would probably hit us in a matter of decades, instead of getting others to cut emissions.———Energy and Climate Change: Preparing for the Worst
Eliminating subsidies – and, indeed, possibly even taxing fuel use to reflect its true costs to the rest of society – would therefore be the right thing to do both economically and for the sake of the environment.———Energy and Climate Change: Preparing for the Worst
Until [global warming] hits you, it is merely a theoretical problem.———Energy and Climate Change: Preparing for the Worst
Is heaven such a large and limitless space that you can keep all the peoples of the world over the thousands of years past? I have a large question mark on that.———Personal Life: Choosing When to Go
A politician just wants to publicise himself and get into office, and he enjoys the pride of being there. A leader has a mission. You seek power because you want to do certain things. A statesman is one who has not only sought power and done those things but is able to hand over to a good successor.———Conversations with an Old Friend


Good Quotes —— One Man's View of the World (3)

You can have an alliance and it will hold good only when your interests coincide.———Thailand: An Underclass Stirs
There is only one rational course of action when you find yourself stuck in a dead end. Turn around and walk right out of it.———Myanmar: The Generals Change Course
Young people these days prefer to type, and when they do write, they simply do not write as beautifully.———Singapore: A Nation at a Crossroads
It is true that no country in the world pays ministers as we do. But it is also true that no other island has developed like Singapore: sparkling, clean, safe, with no corruption and low crime rates… None of this came about by coincidence. It took the construction of an ecosystem that requires highly paid ministers.———Singapore: A Nation at a Crossroads
Once women are educated and have equal job opportunities, they no longer see their primary role as bearing children or taking care of the household. They want to be able to pursue their careers fully just as men have always been able to…They have very different expectations about whether or whom they should marry because they are financially independent. There is no turning back the clock, unless we want to stop educating women, which makes no sense.———Singapore: A Nation at a Crossroads
In a globalised world, the nature of competition is such that the wages of those at the bottom get depressed and those at the top, who are mobile and much sought after, enjoy ever larger pay packets.———Singapore: A Nation at a Crossroads
[Americans] are allowed to run a deficit for a long time with very few consequences. If other countries were to do that, they run the risk of capital outflow and exchange rate collapse. The cost is low to the Americans because some of what it would have cost a regular country has been transferred to the rest of the world.———Global Economy: What Next?

If you open your capital account, it means you allow free flow of money. That makes the country vulnerable to, say, a sudden rush in or a sudden exodus that could destablise the economy.———Global Economy: What Next?


Good Quotes —— One Man's View of the World (2)

This is an age in which you will no longer have military contests between great nations because the nations know that they will destroy each other if they do that. But there will be economic and technological contests, and talent is the key ingredient in those contests.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
One reason why China will always be a less effective magnet for talent is language. Chinese is a much harder language to learn than English. The spoken language is very difficult unless you learn it from a very young age. It is monosyllabic and every word has four or five tones. And when you do not know the language, you are unable to communicate. It becomes an enormous barrier… So in soft power, the Chinese will not win.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
It is useful to remember that just as Americans tend to exaggerate their own virtues, they sometimes exaggerate their problems too.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
The British ran an empire for over 200 years, and had developed, as a result, an experienced, polished style of dominance… The US became pre-eminent after the Second World War. They had not had that long period of dominance and so they were still brash in defending their newly won position.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
Entitlements, once given, are notoriously difficult to take back.———Europe: Decline And Discord
[W]ork makes the individual and society better off, and… overly generous benefits tend to become a debilitating constraint on drive and an inadvertent suppressor of incentives.———Europe: Decline And Discord
The political leadership is part of the population. If the society is in a lethargic frame of mind, you cannot have dynamic leadership.———Japan: Strolling into Mediocrity

An ageing population will not maintain GDP per capita. It is the young that keeps the economy going…———Japan: Strolling into Mediocrity


Good Quotes —— One Man's View of the World (1)

[Chinese protesters] know that opposing the central authority means certain annihilation. So they oppose wrongdoing by local officials while declaring loyalty to the centre.———China: A Strong Centre
Intra-party democracy is a concept that the Chinese Communist Party has been keen to explore… One way to do it would be to allow for controlled electoral contests… between candidates approved by the party. They could start by having three or four dependable people vying for an important post and giving them notice that it is important for them to win public support in order to be appointed.———China: A Strong Centre
Corruption, as well as the lack of the rule of law and governance institutions, is also likely to continue to characterise the Chinese system—these are distinct weaknesses.———China: A Strong Centre
Can China follow Singapore—never mind America—on establishing the rule of law and governance institutions? Not easy at all. It will require a very fundamental change in the mental approach of both the government and the population. And as these concepts are absent from their culture and history, one has to ask: Out of what will these arise?———China: A Strong Centre
In China’s history, a strong centre means a peaceful country. A weak centre means confusion and chaos. And this happened with the warlords. Everybody was a law unto himself.———China: A Strong Centre
If China gets involved in a war, it risks internal disturbance, clashes and disorder, and it may go down again—perhaps for a long time.———Tao Guang Yang Hui: Keep Your Light under a Bushel
Poor people still behave like poor people even when they are getting rich.———The New China: People, Society, Economy


李零《死生有命富貴在天:〈周易〉的自然哲學》摘錄 (四)




李零《死生有命富貴在天:〈周易〉的自然哲學》摘錄 (三)




李零《死生有命富貴在天:〈周易〉的自然哲學》摘錄 (二)




李零《死生有命富貴在天:〈周易〉的自然哲學》摘錄 (一)




