
Marti Laney《內向者求生術:內向者如何在外向的世界嶄露鋒芒》摘錄 (一)

James Roger「安靜的人們常常具有深刻的洞察力。淺淺的溪流或河水奔流迅速,較深的水域似乎較為平靜。」(《寫在前面.我是怎樣寫這本書的》



Good Quotes —— The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew (4)

A “level playing field” is not part of Chinese culture; guanxi or personal links is.―――On China
Outside powers cannot re-fashion China into its own image. Let us not forget that even China’s conquerors like the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, and the Manchus in the 17th and 19th centuries, could not change Chinese culture. Instead China changed them and they were absorbed and assimilated. The language and culture of its conquerors could not overcome Chinese language and culture.―――On China
As China develops and becomes a largely urban society, its political system must evolve to accommodate a large middle class that will be highly educated, better informed and connected with the outside world, one that expects a higher quality of life in a clean environment, and wants to have its views heard by a government that is transparent and free from corruption.―――On China
Estate duty is one of those forms of taxation which can be used deliberately to counterbalance the unjust distribution of wealth and prevent its perpetuation…[Y]ou really do not hurt anybody because you have really taken it from no one. All you have taken away from the sons and heirs and successors is not money, but just the hope of a succeeding to money. That might be painful for a week or two after the will has been read and duties have to be paid, but it is certainly less painful than if we were to impose a capital levy while the man who has made his millions is still alive.―――On Prosperity
Wealth and poverty are relative things. You have acute tensions…not so much because you are too poor as against another person or you are too rich, in the absolute sense, but whether you are relatively too much better off than the other to cause the other fellow dissatisfaction.―――On Prosperity
It is nonsense to say that this government is rich while the people are poor. This is true only when the leaders steal the nation’s wealth.―――On Prosperity

If your option was, I want a condo, I want a Mercedes, then you aim for those professions which will bring you those results. But you have chosen English Literature. If you were my daughter…I would tell her…there’s no money in it unless you are really good.―――On Education