
Good Quotes —— One Man's View of the World (2)

This is an age in which you will no longer have military contests between great nations because the nations know that they will destroy each other if they do that. But there will be economic and technological contests, and talent is the key ingredient in those contests.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
One reason why China will always be a less effective magnet for talent is language. Chinese is a much harder language to learn than English. The spoken language is very difficult unless you learn it from a very young age. It is monosyllabic and every word has four or five tones. And when you do not know the language, you are unable to communicate. It becomes an enormous barrier… So in soft power, the Chinese will not win.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
It is useful to remember that just as Americans tend to exaggerate their own virtues, they sometimes exaggerate their problems too.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
The British ran an empire for over 200 years, and had developed, as a result, an experienced, polished style of dominance… The US became pre-eminent after the Second World War. They had not had that long period of dominance and so they were still brash in defending their newly won position.———America: Troubled But Still On Top
Entitlements, once given, are notoriously difficult to take back.———Europe: Decline And Discord
[W]ork makes the individual and society better off, and… overly generous benefits tend to become a debilitating constraint on drive and an inadvertent suppressor of incentives.———Europe: Decline And Discord
The political leadership is part of the population. If the society is in a lethargic frame of mind, you cannot have dynamic leadership.———Japan: Strolling into Mediocrity

An ageing population will not maintain GDP per capita. It is the young that keeps the economy going…———Japan: Strolling into Mediocrity