
Good Quotes —— Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States and the World (5)

You must not overlook the importance of discussions with knowledgeable people. I would say that is much more productive than absorbing and running through masses of documents. Because in a short exchange, you can abstract from somebody who has immense knowledge and experience the essence of what he had gained.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
Had we not become streetwise, we would have been clobbered. Like dogs which are closeted in a bungalow behind fences, we would have been run over when exposed to treacherous traffic.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
I do not believe that because a theory sounds good, looks logical on paper, or is presented logically, therefore that is the way it will work out. The final test is life.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
History does not repeat itself in the same way each time, but certain trends and consequences are constants… To understand the present and anticipate the future, one must know enough of the past… One must appreciate not merely what took place, but , more especially, why it took place and in that particular way.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
The lessons their elders have learned at great pain and expense can add to the knowledge of the young and help them to cope with problems and dangers they had not faced before; but such learning, second hand, is never as vivid, as deep, or as durable as that which was personally experienced.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
Only those count and matter who have the strength and courage of their convictions to stick up and stand up for what they believe in, for their people, for their country, regardless of what happens to them.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks
Before you have, you must want to have.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks

You are a born leader or you are not a leader.———Chapter 9: How Lee Kuan Yew Thinks